RV/MH Hall of Fame News

George Miles

Pioneer manufacturer, long time board member and Past President of MHMA and Chairman of its War Activities Committee during WWII, one of the originators of the Craftsmen’s Guild and the Gold Seal program, Founder and Chairman of the Park Development Corporation to finance MH parks.

John Manley

Executive Director of Georgia MHA where membership grew 10 fold under his leadership and many manufacturers were attracted to the state, he then organized and became chief executive of SEMHI where his lobbying efforts served 9 southeastern states.

Richard Klingler

RVIA Board Chairman and Standards Committee Chairman, developed aluminum frame technology in trailers and motorhomes, originated flat roof design (eliminating domed “coach roof”) and the convertible dinette-bed.

William Hagood

Board Member and five term Past President of Ohio MHA, and Past Chairman of MDNA, one of the founders of the National Manufactured Housing Federation.

Martin Goodyear

Long term mobile home retailer, Indiana MHA Board Member and 2 term Past President, MDNA officer, MDNA National Man of the Year, one of the founders of the Midwest MH Federation that produces the Louisville Show.

Peter P. Froehde

Pioneer retailer, founding Board Member and Past President of TDNA, instrumental in enacting legislation to remove federal excise tax from mobile homes.
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